Day # 17 - 4lbs 7oz; 2020 grams
Emerie had a great day yesterday and finished all of her bottles. She did so well that they took out the NG tube and changed her feeds to ad lib. This means that she will still get a bottle every 3 hours but they'll put a little extra milk in the bottle and let her eat whatever amount she wants to eat. They'll then look at her intake over a full 24 hours as well as whether or not she gains weight to determine if she is eating enough. If she does well with this and "behaves herself" as her doctor said, she'll get to come home on Sunday!! Very exciting!!
Boppy came to visit today! |
Emerie's nurse Jean. She took care of Oliver when he was in the NICU too. |
She's up to her brother's birth weight and ready to hit the road! Yea!! Go Emerie!