Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Day # 7

Day # 7  3lbs, 12oz

Emerie gained 10 grams yesterday.   Yea for small victories!  She took 2 bottles overnight and got the rest through the NG, but the doctors seemed pleased that she was able to take the two.  They're continuing to increase her feeds and she should go up to 19 mls tonight.  Some fun premature baby trivia I learned is that if Emerie was the size of an average adult she would need more than 10,000 calories a day in order to gain weight and 50% of those calories would need to come from fat.  That's a lot of pizza!!  Anyway, the point of all that is in the next day or two she will be eating enough that they can start fortifying the milk with the extra fat, protein, vitamins and minerals that she needs to grow and gain weight.

This is what I found when I got to the NICU this morning...a rare moment of wakefulness.  :)

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